Wild Hunters
Wild Hunters is a gripping documentary series on the life and death drama of nature’s greatest predators: bears, felines, canines, snakes, reptiles, raptors, spiders… A comprehensive and spectacular 4K documentary series that shows the struggle for survival of the different species within animal families around the world: the mating of the lynx in the northern regions and the lion of Kenya; the breeding process of the Australian Morelia Viridis and the nesting of the king cobra in India; the social behavior of the wild dogs of Namibia and the Iberian wolves. Hunters beyond the hunt.
Cast and Crew
Wild Hunters
Wild Hunters is a gripping documentary series on the life and death drama of nature’s greatest predators: bears, felines, canines, snakes, reptiles, raptors, spiders… A comprehensive and spectacular 4K documentary series that shows the struggle for survival of the different species within animal families around the world: the mating of the lynx in the northern regions and the lion of Kenya; the breeding process of the Australian Morelia Viridis and the nesting of the king cobra in India; the social behavior of the wild dogs of Namibia and the Iberian wolves. Hunters beyond the hunt.
Orignal Language
Episodes per Season
Release Data
Produced By
Terra Incognita Docs S.L., TVE
Streaming Network
Nat Geo Wild